Join us

We always welcome young talents with a passion for science and technology to join our group. Lab members will have the opportunity to work with world-class scientists and engineers from both academia and industria. Besides working on cutting-edge projects, all members can participate in our startup incubated at the AIIT.

How to apply

All application materials go here. If you are interested in working with us as a staff scientist or postdoc, please send me an email. We will further contact you for interviews if we think you are a good match. Following are positions available:

Staff scientists and Postdocs

Staff scientists and postdoc fellows will have their own fundings and can assemble independent research teams. Staff scienitsts could promote to investigators at AIIT, while postdocs have opportunities to promote to scientists. We fully support application of NSFC and other state grants.

State briefly why you are interested and attach a CV. Postdoc fellowships are available.

Graduate and undergraduate students

I co-advise graduate and undergraduate students in my group. Graduate and undergraduate students will be working on independent research projects (mainly graduate thesis projects with potential for publication) under my direct supervision. This position is good for students with a pursuit in academia.

To apply, please send your resume, letter of intent and your transcripts to the above email address.


Graduate and undergraduate students can also apply for intern positions in my group. Compared to it above, this position is mainly engineering oriented and is good for students who want to go to the industry after graduation.

Staff Engineers

Staff engineers will mainly be working on engineering and technical aspect of our projects (mainly state-funded projects from NSFC or MOST), with the opportunities to lead engineer teams and become investigators at AIIT.

To apply, please send your resume with a brief statement of your interest in the email.
